
As with many of our other services, Cool & Heat turns to Daikin to provide ventilation systems.


Today’s buildings are energy efficient, well-insulated but often lacking in fresh air.

This can mean humidity, a build-up of microbes and allergens and an uncomfortable working environment.

Daikin considers five main components when developing their ventilation systems;

  • Ventilation: ensures that fresh air can flow into the building.
  • Energy recovery: recovers heat and moisture from outgoing air.
  • Air processing: heats or cools incoming fresh air to maximise comfort.
  • Humidification: balances indoor and outdoor humidity.
  • Filtration: removes dust, pollution and odours from the air.

The two main types of ventilation systems that Cool & Heat offer are Heat Reclaim Ventilation (VAM) and Heat Reclaim Ventilation (VKM). Both offer heat and moisture recovery for increased comfort and efficiency.

The VAM system allows free cooling air and is available as a stand-alone unit and is compatible with SkyAir and VRV systems.

The VKM system pre-conditions the outdoor air allowing for comfortable levels of humidity. The VKM also has a ‘plug and play’ option with Daikin VRV units.

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